Bulk Vending Systems Ltd, Swansea


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Bulk Vending Systems Ltd, located in Swansea, is a leading provider of cutting-edge vending solutions traded under the name V4 Vending. The company offers a wide variety of vending machines, from coffee vending machines to fresh and frozen food vending machines. Their offerings do not stop at just providing the machines, they also offer a spectrum of tailored services and supply solutions for different sectors.

V4 Vending’s broad product line offers something for everybody. The classic coffee vending machines are complemented with a range of table top coffee machines and fresh milk coffee machines, ensuring a perfect cup of coffee for every preference. The snack vending machines and fresh & frozen food vending machines cater efficiently to all kinds of snack and meal requirements. The in-cup systems, water coolers, and refurbished vending machines show V4 Vending’s commitment to customer comfort and sustainability. They also offer innovative micromarkets for a compact self-checkout retail food establishment within your workplace.

V4 Vending also offers comprehensive vending solutions aimed at simplifying the entire process for its customers. Their Fully Managed Services take care of filling, cleaning, and maintaining machines, creating a hassle-free vending solution. They also offer Technical Service for those who prefer to self-fill, covering full technical backup and onsite training alongside a certification at the end. In addition, V4 Vending provides easily accessible vending supplies that can be delivered straight to your door.

V4 Vending has a vast record of delivering quality vending services to various sectors,


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