Food & Drink Listings

Welcome to, a local business listing directory for Swansea businesses and events.

In-Swansea Business Directory is dedicated to supporting and promoting the success of small, locally-owned businesses in our community, where you can find local businesses and companies in the Swansea area.

Below are the subcategories within the Food & Drink listings that may make it easier to find what you are looking for.


Honey Farm





About our Food & Dring Listings

The Food & Drink category on features a variety of businesses in Swansea related to food and beverages.

It includes:

  • Fast Food and Takeaway: Outlets offering quick meals and takeaway services.
  • Foodstores: Retailers specializing in food items.
  • Honey Farm: A place where honey is produced and possibly sold.
  • Restaurants: Establishments offering a range of dining experiences.

This category provides residents and visitors in Swansea with options for different food and drink services, whether they are looking for a quick bite, grocery shopping, or a sit-down meal​


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